Miles wants Munir added to lawsuit over gay accusations
CHOMBA MUSIKA Lusaka PATRIOTIC Front (PF) president Miles Sampa wants to have Lumezi Member of Parliament Munir Zulu joined to a defamation case after he allegedly accused him of being…
Zambia Daily Mail News Website
CHOMBA MUSIKA Lusaka PATRIOTIC Front (PF) president Miles Sampa wants to have Lumezi Member of Parliament Munir Zulu joined to a defamation case after he allegedly accused him of being…
CHOMBA MUSIKA Lusaka A WITNESS has testified in court that beginning 2017 until 2021, used vehicles which were supposed to be internally auctioned to Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) staff were…
CHOMBA MUSIKA Lusaka LUSAKA High Court has directed that the case in which Shadreck Kasanda and four others are charged with espionage should be heard in camera in the interest…
MARY LEMBA Ndola A WOMAN of Ndola has narrated how she was shocked to see pictures of her husband romantically posing with another woman on his Facebook page after telling…
GILCHRIST MUSOLO Lusaka TWO Sisters of Desai Township were ordered by Matero Local Court to pay K1,500 each to a woman they insulted for celebrating the arrest of the son…
CHOMBA MUSIKA Lusaka FORMER Energy Regulation Board (ERB) chief executive officer Butler Sitali has told a magistrate that his contract was terminated on allegations that he was a United Party…
PRISCILLA CHIPULU Ndola A 23-YEAR-OLD man has been sentenced to six years imprisonment with hard labour for assaulting another man using a taser gun. Kebby Mwelwa, an unemployed resident of…
CATHERINE BWALYA Choma AFTER causing commotion at Choma Magistrates Court by escaping from lawful custody, a 42-year-old witchdoctor accused of raping his 17-year-old patient now claims to have an ‘illness’…
CHOMBA MUSIKA Lusaka THE State wants Lusaka High Court to give an opinion regarding a magistrate’s decision to acquit Francis Muchemwa, alias commander II, and his companies on three out…
CHOMBA MUSIKA Lusaka TO SEND a grave warning against cattle rustlers, a traditional healer has been sentenced to nine years imprisonment with hard labour for stealing 11 cows worth about…